Monday, November 22, 2010

New Health Survey

Your input is needed. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are grossly underserved in our current healthcare system. The Arc and other local partners are working to create a new roadmap for better quality care.
At the same time, The University of Illinois at Chicago, in partnership with Special Olympics, is conducting a longitudinal study about health needs for people with I/DD. The study will gather knowledge regarding behavior and outcomes of persons with I/DD over a 5-year period. The results will provide more insight and knowledge to help healthcare providers and policy makers better serve this population.
Family members, caregivers, service workers, and adults with I/DD are invited to enroll. Participants will receive a $5 Subway gift card. To register and learn more,

Thank you for your valuable contribution! Together, we can change the healthcare system for the benefit of people with disabilities.

Tim Hornbecker

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