Friday, May 28, 2010

Budget Justice Now!

The Arc of San Francisco sent nine advocates to the Disability Capitol Action Day in Sacramento recently. Along with celebrating 20 years of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), over 2,000 people from around the state asked for "No More Cuts" to people with disabilities. The Governor's budget proposes a cut in services for people with developmental disabilities of 25 million dollars (this is actually a 50 million cut in services due to the loss of Federal matching funds) on top of the 500 million dollar cut last year.
The Arc of California was just one of the 11 organizations sponsoring the event. Our own Senator Leland Yee emphatically told the crowd, "We do not balance the budget on the backs of people with disabilities. I will not vote for the cuts. These services are a lifeline. All of you have dignity--don't ever let any one of us tell you different. No more cuts!"
I urge you all to contact Senator Mark Leno who, contrary to his staunch stand on no cuts to our services, just voted in favor of the 1.25% (25 million dollar) cuts in the Senate Budget Conference Commitee. Please call him now: (415) 557-1300 or (916) 651-4003.
Thank you for speaking up!
Tim Hornbecker, CEO, The Arc of San Francisco
Photo: State Capitol, Sacramento-(back) Jackie Kenley, Michelle Giacopazzi, Rob Repke, Tim Hornbecker, Kiyoko Shiosaki; (front) Laura Kenley, Spencer De Bella, Tatyana Boyko, Joe Flanagan.