Friday, March 25, 2011

Senator Yee to The Arc: 'This is Life or Death'

At today's press conference at The Arc, myself, Senator Leland Yee and many advocates spoke about the unfair share of pain that people with developmental disabilities face in the state budget cuts. See photos:

Over half a billion dollars (including federal matching dollars) is the largest cut to any one group on the chopping block in Sacramento.
Our safety net is disappearing. Our clients will either be out on the street or have to go to a $300,000 per person (per year) state institution.
What a waste--of client lives, of taxpayer dollars.

Here are quotes from today's speakers:

Jackie Kenley (parent and advocate): "These cuts are a step backwards--and they will cost us more money, not less, over time."

Hermie Yema (Family Home, Inc.) "My clients need medical care and close monitoring and support. Where will they go--who will help them if my doors are closed because I cannot afford more cuts?"

Matt Tarver-Wahalqyist, Opportunity for Independence: "The truth is, clients will die as a result of these cuts."

Senator Leland Yee: "This isn't the end of it--it's important to let us know...let legislators in Sacramento know that there is a serious human toll to these cuts. But there are things we can do; language to bills we can add. My message to you is don't give up. This is life or death."

Timothy Hornbecker
Chief Executive Officer, The Arc of San Francisco

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